Saturday, 24 June 2017

Effects of Tramadol Abuse

Tramadol Abuse and Side Effects

what is Tramadol?

Tramadol belongs to a class of drug called opioid/narcotic analgesic (painkiller)
Analgelsics simply called painkillers can be categorized into two general classes: Opioid or Narcotic analgesic and non-opioid or non-narcotic analgesic
Opioid analgesics relief pain without causing ulceration and are usually more effective than the non-opioids. 
Tramadol is a synthetic opioid analgesic.It is prescribed to treat moderate to moderately severe pain and is considered a safer alternative to other narcotic analgesics.
Tramadol was first approved for use in 1995 by the US Food and Drug Administration FDA after it was considered to have a much better safety profile than other opioid analgesics like morphine.and was then recommended it not be classified as a controlled substance.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) published revised rules in 2014 showing evidence of unpardonable abuse by the general public the body has since then made tramadol a federally controlled drug (Schedule IV). 

Some of the misuses of Tramadol

1. To raise mood due to its euphoric effect
2. As Stimulants 
3. To raise libido and gain energy for sex
4. Use for persistent pain
5. Use without prescription

short-term effects/actions of Tramadol

1. Pain relief. Tramadol is a powerful painkiller; it acts through the opiate receptors in the brain and spinal cord and thus modifies the transmission of pain signals to the brain so that you experience less intense pain when you take it.

2. Euphoria. Tramadol works in a similar way to many antidepressant drugs because it raises the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. This leads to feelings of euphoria and well-being. This effect seems to be the reason some prefer to take it perpetually even when they are not having pain

3.Anxiolytic. Tramadol helps some users feel relaxed and calm because of the way it modifies brain chemistry.

short-term side effects of Tramadol

dry mouth
Due to its serotonergic effect, if taken at high doses, Tramadol has a great potential of precipitating epileptic seizures. This effect makes tramadol especially dangerous for abusers because the tendency of convulsions or seizures increases at high doses.

Long-term actions and side effects

For people taking tramadol for a long time, they are likely to suffer from the unwanted effects of the drug and they include the following:

Tolerance: the first time you introduce tramadol to your body, very small amount is required to kill the pain but if you continue to take tramadol, your body adapt to its functions and effect. The smaller dose previously needed will become ineffective and your body will then require a higher dose to feel the effect of the analgesia. In other words, prolonged use of the drugs results in the body's increase demand of more the drug. At this time the patient should try to withdraw the drug

Physical dependence: people taking tramadol continuously are likely to develop a high craving for the drug such that failure to take drugs may lead to lack of concentration and may not be able to do their daily work without taking the drug. They will have a sense getting better in life while they take the drug. Withdrawing the drug leads to physical illness for such people. So they find needs of taking the drugs forever, at this period we then say such individual has become addicted to the drug. To get the drug at times, such individual can go a long way even to the point of paying the doctor to write prescription in favour of their addiction or forging prescription once they know they won't be given without prescription.

Loss of Memory: most opioids have a tendency of causing brain wears and over time cause cognitive decline such that there is a decline in ability to solve compound problems. Forgetfulness and chronic amnesia are the manifestation of long time use of tramadol

Sleep disorder: disturbances in sleep pattern have been associated with persistent use of opioids including tramadol

Live Experience of the author

A young man below 35 usually goes to a Pharmacy to get Tramadol 100mg. He buys a sachet of ten capsules everyday. He was asked, "who is taking tramadol?" He didn't answer the question instead he smiled and said "when I come back, I will tell you". He buys that tramadol everyday may be his residence is very close to the Pharmacy otherwise he should have been buying in packet. The pharmacists and assistants are many in such a big Pharmacy that only observant one will recognize him. A close source disclosed that he used to consume the whole ten capsules daily by putting inside soft drink to gain extra strength and sexual virility. Overnight, he started having epilepsy meanwhile he continues buying the tramadol perhaps he's not aware the drug is the cause of the epilepsy. He had epileptic seizure attack right within the Pharmacy where he broke the shelf glass with his head, even at the point of another tramadol purchase.He had another one in front of the Pharmacy, this one the author witnessed. It was a tonic-clonic seizure. Drug addiction is harmful. To obtain help if you are in the same shoes, don't hesitate to contact CBAY Rehab Center. First visit CBAY FORUM to express yourself.

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