Sunday, 23 July 2017

How to get pregnant faster: Practical Approach to getting Pregnant

Have you had problem conceiving? Or you are newly wedded? But want conceive faster. Pay proper attention to the tips below:

1.       Decipher the real reason behind being unable to get pregnant.  If you are newly wedded, go to tip no 2. Rational diagnosis must be carried out to find out the problem with your body. Once you know the real cause of your own infertility, then the problem is actually more than half-solved. Infertility is almost getting out of your life. You must ascribe the cause of your infertility to you and your spouse, not to anything else outside your body. Don’t resort to solving it in the African way.

2.       Suspends your contraceptive method- drugs or devices used to achieve birth control must be suspended or withdrawn. Drugs or medicines alter your body’s hormonal and chemical levels. The earlier you withdraw these drugs called “prevention”, the earlier the better because some of the drugs might shut down the production ability of your body to secrete or produce hormonal mix that is responsible for ovulation that even after stopping these drugs, it may take a time lag for the body to adjust and start preparing for ovulation and pregnancy.

3.       Take some fertile aid: As you have spent some penny on contraceptive, now spent some to buy some drugs, supplements, or food that can help quickly restore or rejuvenate your reproductive system. They will not achieve doing this overnight but they may help you body to recover and prepare your womb for conception. I won’t mention any product here but you can contact me for products.

4.       Discover your fertile periods: man is presumably fertile all days till death, but women have fertile periods and fertile periods. Fertile periods means some days in a monthly cycle that is believed the woman is most likely get pregnant if the husband sex with her, assuming the woman is not having underlying hindrances. These fertile days are some days in the menstrual cycle that involve the release of eggs in a process called ovulation. Ovulation is an event that takes place in the ovaries. You must know when you are ovulating that is eggs are being released in you. At this time any sexual intercourse is most likely to result in conception.

The cause of infertility in some women is when eggs are not release at all or the eggs are released but are hindered from meeting the sperm or they meet the sperm but at the wrong location and also implanted at the wrong location. Read later about Fallopian tube blockage and ectopic pregnancy. Back to our discussion, How do you know you fertile day? If you don’t want to use theoretical method here, there many ovulation predict kits out there. They are simple to use just like the common PT strips. Want to know more about your fertile day? Feel free to discuss with admin@CBAY forum or facebook private discussion. 

5.       Have sex as often as possible during your fertile days and few days preceding your fertile days- You can start having sex few days after your menses stop. It is presumed that you ovulate around 12-14 days from the first day you see your menses. So you should stay sexually active from day 10 till day 16. Having sex before you ovulated will increase the likelihood of getting pregnant by ensuring the sperms are already present waiting for the egg. It should be borne in mind that sperm cells can stay up to 3 days waiting for the eggs and thereafter they die if there is no egg to welcome them. So sex must be continued till you ovulate and few days after you ovulate. If you ovulate and there is no sperm to fertilize the egg, the egg will die less than 2 days. Targeting your ovulation time can help you select the sex of you baby. Want to learn more?

6.       Master pregnancy-minded sexual intercourse- The type of sex we talk about in tip no 4 above is the type of sex that can increase the chances of pregnancy. It should not be mistaken for sexual intercourse abuse or “master stroking fucking type”. It is not by power nor by might. Sex for fun may not yield the required result because the aim of sex should determine the sex position or posture during sex. So if you are trying to conceive, it is advised that couples should reserve “sex for fun” till some time when they are not looking for child.

7.       Mind your sex Position- In some women, the cause of infertility is mechanical back-flow of the sperm via the vagina. This practical tip will actually put an end to not being pregnant.  You should discuss with your spouse, Your sex position during sex should be such that even after sex, you(woman) will still remain in lying position with your back. If you have “back-flow” problem, It is advised that your husband should keep or force or urge you to remain lying on your back for like 30 minutes after sex. For more tips on this issue contact admin@CBAY forum or simply send email Once you are pregnant, you can revert to other sex positions for your fun.

8.       Never mind anorgasm- So long the sex is not a painful one, don’t mind enjoying the sex or not. Just achieve your aim of getting pregnant first if you have been on infertility issue for some time. In attempt to make yourself  enjoy the sex or achieve orgasm so to say, you may be tempted to be carried away to change your position. Though some people speculate that orgasm can increase the likelihood of getting pregnant because during orgasm, there involuntary contraction of muscle of the vaginal pouch and that this contraction helps in propelling the sperm up the uterus. But I want to say that there is no scientific evidence to support this. Be a practical woman.

9.       Be cautious of lubricants- artificial lubricants are high-selling these days especially due to high marketing strategy, but I will not mention any trade name regarding lubricants. Apart from inherent harm that some artificial lubricants have because of the composition chemicals, lubricant will not help you get sperm into your body than the practical tips discussed here. Some lubricants can alter the pH of vagina in such a way that make the vagina less sperm-friendly by altering the integrity of the sperm cells and thereby reducing the motility of the sperm. So using lubricants may just seem like using your money to acquire what will not work but rather worsen the condition.

10.   Have sex at bedtime also- To support lying on the back position, it is preferred to have sex at bed time just like you prefer to insert pessaries or suppositories at bedtime to aid intact retention. After sex at bedtime, it is presumed that you  are going anywhere that night and will help you remain on you back for a fairly long hours, besides some people speculate that sex at bedtime is a natural sleeping aid.

11.   Buy enough PT strip at home for your consumption- You must know when you are pregnant. This will help and prepare you to establish the pregnancy. Right from a week-old, you will need some care and advise especially for those women whose infertility problems involve implantation and miscarriage.

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